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"In terms of genetic features our nation is a nation comprised
of physically healthy people. Physical health and strength along
with mental health are characteristics of our nation."
H. Aliev

Ancient man developed through the process of natural evolution. Doubtless, in this process an individual's physical strength, speed, reaction and health were always of great importance. Only the individuals with these merits could pass the natural selection process. For a living a man had to fight wild beasts and only his running speed and physical strength could save him from the danger. The situation forced a man to devote special attention to his physical shape. Eventually, people faced a need to test their physical and intellectual abilities. Only the individuals who passed physical trials could be elected to be the leaders of their tribes and kin. Thus, the need for trials of physical abilities was evident. With the development of society, forms and styles of these trials and contests underwent changes. The forms of these contests laid the foundation for one of the greatest achievements of the human culture - the development of sports. As a system of various complex movement contests and training sport underwent the long process of evolution. Trials of people's physical abilities and working skills, various styles of fight and struggle, e.g. wrestling, race, jump, weightlifting, swimming, rowing, archery, sword fencing, javelin throw etc. could be regarded as the first sports. Undoubtedly, these sports were known to every nation. It was impossible to tell where and when the first competitions in a given sport had taken place. On the basis of archeological findings it is possible to assume that the first type of athletic contests was wrestling. The most ancient knowledge of wrestling dates back to the XXVII-XXVI centuries B.C. epics. On the basis of 3rd millennium B.C. Schumer monuments the VIII century B.C. "Gilgamesh" epic provides information about wrestling contests. Wrestling, preserved since ancient times, have been one of traditional sports in Azerbaijan as well. In one of Azerbaijan written monuments, "Kitabi-Dede Qorqud", wrestling was often told of along with other sports. The frequent competitive nature of fights was clearly expressed. In epics and tales heroes would test their strength against lions, bulls, camels and compete against each other in face-to-face contests. Eventually, wrestling underwent development and the attitudes towards it as well as its rules were subject to change with these contests starting to take place in special facilities. In Azerbaijan, an ancient type of sport - wrestling was also held in specialized facilities - arenas.

SPORT | Views: 2335 | Added by: shamsi_84 | Date: 10.05.2011

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SPORT | Views: 905 | Added by: shamsi_84 | Date: 07.05.2011