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Azerbaijan in International Arena

Conceptual basis of Foreign policy of Azerbaijan aims to preserve and strengthen national independence and territorial integrity, develop equal mutually beneficiary relations, establish friendly links with all countries of the world. Among the prior tendencies are the relations with Eurasian neighbors including CIS countries, bordering states, traditional European trade partners as well as leading world states, members of Security Council, countries of Islamic and Turkic world. The better part of diplomatic effort of Azerbaijan is focused on the search for ways to regulate the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Four resolutions (822, 853, 874, 884) were adopted by the UN Security Council demanding release and return of all refugees to the places of their settlements on the territories of Azerbaijan that are still under Armenian occupation. The UN 39th session of the Commission on Women adopted the resolution demanding the release of all women hostages captured during armed conflicts. 
The visits of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Heydar Aliyev to UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Turkey, China, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia were to implement the foreign policy of Azerbaijan. While signing the agreement "Partnership for Peace" in headquarters of NATO in Brussels, Heydar Aliyev explained the concept of Azerbaijan diplomacy in the following way: "Having taken the decision to sign the treaty we hope not only to acquire peace and stability in this region but also to bring our people in contact with values of western democracy, to create new conditions for active collaboration with all countries of world countries". Azerbaijan participated in the work of the international summits - "People Settlements and Development" in Cairo, and "Social Development" in Copenhagen, "Women's Issues" in Beijing, "Human Settlements" (Habitat II) in Istanbul and also in regional and subregional meetings, conferences, congresses, and exhibitions. 
The Republic has signed a number of international agreements and treaties, joined such important conventions as Convention on Children Rights, Convention on the Liquidation of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.


  • Promotion of the establishment of pluralistic democracy based on market economy and the rule of law;
  • Conduct of an independent foreign policy aimed at the soonest restoration of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan over its territory;
  • Elimination of threats and risks to the security, political independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan;
  • Peaceful settlement of the conflict with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan through negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group on the basis of the principles of the OSCE Lisbon Summit;
  • Elimination of the consequences of military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan;
  • Development of good-neighbourly and mutually advantageous relations with neighbouring countries;
  • Promotion of security and stability in the region;
  • Prevention of illegal arms and other transfers in the region;
  • Adherence to existing global non-proliferation regimes and establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Southern Caucasus;
  • Demilitarization of the Caspian Sea basin;
  • Integration into European and Transatlantic security and cooperation structures, including NATO, EU, WEU, CE;
  • Facilitation of the development of various sectors of the country's economy with due consideration of Azerbaijan's crucial geostrategic location at the crossroads between the East and West;
  • Development of the Eurasian Transport Corridor of which Azerbaijan is a part.

  • Category: POLITICS | Added by: shamsi_84 (07.05.2011)
    Views: 954