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The Kur River intermontane trough has been developed over a long geologic time span. However, its recent geometry was shaped only during the Oligocene-Quaternary time span. Kur River trough is considered to be an inherited structure, so the uppermost sedimentary fill uncomfortably overlies the base structural complex. The Kur River trough is divided into two sub-basins by transversal uplifts; The Middle Kur River subbasin (Upper Kur River subbasin is located in Georgia) and The Lower Kur River ones. The Minor Caucasus southeast trending foredeep trough is extended parallel to the Minor Caucasus Somhety-Aghdam zone. Its overburden consists of Paleogene flysch type deposits and Neogene-Antropogenic molasse formations; its northwest border is observed along Kur-River fault clearly visible up to Yevlah town, and along a flexure extended between Barda-Beylagah line, although foredeepwest border is limited by pre-Minor Caucasus fault, its southwest border is twisting (meandering). Talish fold zone represents ingneous extension of the Minor Caucasus central part. Talish fold system rests upon the pre-Alpinr tansversally uplifted basement and consists of the Uppe Cretaceous thin carbonate formation and Paleogene_- Lower Eocene flysch deposits, Middle Eocene traxybasalts and Oligocene flysch deposits. Small intrusive bodies are incased within Paleogene deposits and referred to potasium basalts, gabbro-diorite and gabbro-monzonite-syenite formations, and jointly with incasing volcanic rocks they generate a single whole magmatic complex. The following structural features as Astara and Jalilabad synclinoriums, ruptures, overthrusts which have been intricately complicated by transversally uplifted and down thrown blocks. Source: | |
Category: NATURE | Added by: shamsi_84 (10.05.2011) | |
Views: 771 |